Christmas Dog Treats: Homemade Dog Treats

As the holiday season begins, many of us enjoy the idea of ​​cozying up at home with our beloved pets. It piques your curiosity to find ways to involve them in fun celebrations. Making personalized Christmas treats and gifts for your furry friend has a special charm and adds a fun touch to the Christmas spirit. Embark on this amazing journey with me and discover together the techniques of making the most delicious homemade treats to pamper your dog this Christmas!

Christmas dog treat recipe

Person giving a treat to the dog

Image source: James Lacy

This holiday season, treat your furry friend to delicious Christmas dog treats that serve as delicious dog treats or thoughtful, hassle-free gifts. Made with hassle-free ingredients, these treats not only add a festive touch to your dog’s day, but they’re also an affordable alternative to spreading the holiday spirit.

Discover why crafting your own dog treats surpasses the allure of store-bought options with these compelling reasons:

  1. Tailored Delight: Personalize holiday dog treats effortlessly, aligning them with both your preferences and your dog’s taste, utilizing ingredients readily available in your pantry.
  2. Heartwarming Gifts: Elevate your gift-giving game by presenting homemade dog treats as charming Christmas gifts for cherished family and friends.
  3. Time-Efficient Pleasure: Enjoy the convenience of swift cookie preparation, ensuring that the joy of crafting these treats doesn’t compromise your precious time during the bustling holiday season.
  4. Family Bonding: Transform the process of making dog Christmas treats into a delightful family activity, encouraging everyone to participate in the festive fun.
  5. Healthier Indulgence: Revel in the knowledge that homemade Christmas treats boast a healthier profile compared to their store-bought counterparts, free from preservatives and packed only with the wholesome ingredients you choose.
  6. Cost-Effective Creations: Embrace the cost-effectiveness of crafting your own dog treats, not only saving on expenses but also tailoring each batch to suit your dog’s unique taste preferences.

Having explored the myriad benefits of whipping up your own Christmas-themed dog treats, let’s delve into the straightforward yet enjoyable method of creating these canine delights!

What you’ll need

To prepare this delightful canine-friendly treat inspired by the recipe shared by devoted dog enthusiasts, gather the following ingredients:

Moist Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup of applesauce
  • 1 cup of frozen cranberries
  • 1/4 cup of dried cranberries (opt for low-sugar variants if available)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

Dry Ingredients

  • 2 cups of rolled oat flour
  • 2 cups of your preferred flour (consider whole wheat flour, for instance)

Additional Supplies

  • Food processor or mixer
  • Floured board
  • Cookie cutters in shapes of your choosing (we particularly enjoy festive options like Christmas trees, stars, snowflakes, and candy canes)
  • Rolling pin
  • Baking tray
  • Parchment paper or a baking sheet

Before you dive into the delightful baking process, ensure your oven is preheated to a toasty 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Homemade dog holiday cookies recipe

Now that you’ve gathered all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to embark on the amazing journey of making your own Christmas dog cookies. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to get into the festive spirit with some of your favorite tunes. Follow these steps to make these dog-friendly treats.

  1. Begin by warming a blend of applesauce and cranberries for a few minutes until they meld into a harmonious mixture.
  2. Introduce this fruity blend to your food processor, accompanied by dried cranberries.
  3. Secure the lid and pulse the ingredients until a well-combined consistency is achieved.
  4. Incorporate the flour into the mixture and pulse thoroughly.
  5. Ensure your coconut oil reaches a liquid state, taking care not to overheat it.
  6. Whisk the eggs in a small bowl and combine them with the liquid coconut oil.
  7. Add this coconut and egg amalgamation to the mixture containing the fruit and flour.
  8. Blend the ingredients until they seamlessly come together to form a cohesive dough.
  9. Transfer the dough onto a floured board and gently knead it.
  10. Roll out the dough with a softly floured rolling pin until it attains a thickness of approximately 1/2 inch.
  11. Utilize your cookie cutters to create festive shapes. If space on your tray is limited, cover the unused dough to prevent it from drying out.
  12. Arrange the cut-out shapes meticulously on a lined baking tray, leaving about 1/2 an inch of space between each.
  13. Place the tray in the oven for approximately 15 minutes, checking periodically and extending the baking time if necessary.
  14. Once the cookies are ready, carefully remove them from the oven and transfer them to a wire rack to cool. Embrace the joy of treating your furry friend to these homemade Christmas delights!
Golden retriever with treat on his nose
Image source: McDobbie Hu

And finally……. when the cookies have cooled completely, ask your furry friend for their opinion!

Dog treats

Image source: Ta Dac Nguyen

These delicious cookies also make a thoughtful gift for your furry friend or loyal pet owner. Delight your friends by making treats customized to their tastes. Add a personal touch to your treats in the following ways:

  • Using different shapes cutters.
  • Use natural food colorants such as beetroot and spinach for festive colors.
  • Packing your treats in a festively decorated box or treat bags.
  • Using different types of flour.


I hope you enjoyed reading about how to bake Christmas cookies for your dog. Making them and feeding them to your pet can be a great activity during the holiday season.

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